1. Consider adding the basketball court located at the Municipal Building to the 2017 Community Development Block Grant funding.
2. Consider amending the Camillus Municipal Code, Chapter 30-Zoning, §1504-Exemptions to Zoning Regulations, subdivision B updating the TM# to 046.-06-07.2, which resulted from a splitting of the lot in 2007, and correct the tract to “Spring Gardens Tract”.
1. Approve the Settlement and Release Agreement between the Town of Camillus and Charter Communications in the amount of One Hundred Fifty-Nine thousand and Forty-Three dollars ($159,043.00) payable to the Town of Camillus for past claims on franchise fees and authorize Supervisor to sign.
2. Set the date, time, and place as May 19, 2017 at 11 A.M. at the Camillus Municipal Building to open sealed bids for a 40 ft. X 80 ft. pole barn to be constructed at Gillie Lake.