I attended the Camillus Canal Society’s Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner last evening. As always I marvel at the passion and commitment the 166 Active Volunteers dedicate to one of our towns’ most prized assets. Over the course of 2016 the volunteers logged an amazing 23,145 hours (those that signed in). If you do the math this is the equivalent of 11 1/2 full-time employees. A conservative estimate would put this cost at $600,000 to the town. I would also like to congratulate 2nd Ward resident and one of the original 1972 volunteers, Paul Bertan, with being selected as one of two Volunteers of the Year. My sincerest congratulations and thanks to Paul, Dr. David and Liz Beebe, all award recipients and all the volunteers on continuing to make Camillus a great place to live, work, play, create and visit.